Friday, October 4, 2013

I’ve always been disappointed with the pace of pace of space exploration.  I mean, I was a child of Apollo and thought that by the time I grew up there would be space stations and lunar bases and even space colonies!

But it’s been 40 years since Apollo, and we’re nowhere near that dream.

What happened?

Well, to put it simply, space is expensive.  Really expensive. And, depending on who is elected, government programs change so quickly no one is will to spend the money and make the commitment for long term development.  And it’s just too expensive for private companies.

That is – until now.

Together with some other space enthusiasts and other space professionals, we think we’ve figured it out. We plan to go back to the moon, and have backed up our ideas with a technical – and financial – plan that works.

In fact, there’s never been anything like it.  We have put together a plan that will not only get us to the moon but could possibly finance a sustainable exploration program like nothing ever seen.

Named for the region around the Marius Crater in Oceanus Procellarum, Rima Marius is a group of space entrepreneurs and explorers who are completely committed to our cause.  We have combined a public, crowdfunding-like campaign to raise money to seed an investment fund and then, when we meet our goals, lined up private investors to raise even more.  Enough to cover the costs of development and get us back to the moon in the next 8 years.

It’s about time.  Check us out at

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